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6 Tips to Reduce the Ski Rental Line This Winter

4 min

The ski season includes six key weeks (sometimes weekends) where crowd levels peak. The challenge for any retailer is to maintain a satisfying customer experience (i.e., minimal wait time and ensuring customers leave with the desired equipment at the quoted price). During a health crisis, it is crucial to provide a safe and reassuring shopping experience, with the waiting line being a critical element.


In this article, we share some strategies to accomplish this mission.

Offer Online Reservations

Most winter sports equipment rentals are now made online, sometimes accounting for over 80% of ski rentals for a store.

An online presence ensures a steady flow of activity before the season begins, thanks to increased visibility on the Internet. Online reservations allow for the preparation of the client’s arrival, anticipation of crowds, and better organization of the in-store team’s work.


Efficient ski rental reservation software automates the process, cutting down on administrative tasks and tedious rental paperwork. By retrieving the reservation using the customer’s name, their vacation tranquility is restored, eliminating the hassle of searching for an email or misplaced printout.

Offer Pre-Booking Upon Arrival at the Resort

The issue remains for customers without reservations. Their wait time and request processing in-store will generally be longer: entering personal information (client file), understanding needs (kids’ skis, age, level, size, etc.), trying on boots, rental form, payment, etc.


To satisfy these customers, a pre-booking application is very useful. Customers scans a QR code and access an online application to enter their details (and those of their family) and equipment needs (skis, snowshoes, boots, etc.).


Upon arrival at the store, the reservation is retrieved by scanning a pre-booking barcode, eliminating the need for the Skiman to enter information. The waiting line is shortened, the customer spends less time in the store during peak hours and can be invited to return to pay for the rental during the week or do so immediately.


This can lead to differentiated waiting lines at the store entrance for customers with reservations and those without, encouraging pre-booking. Good communication at strategic points in the resort can also increase the store’s visibility and rental demand.

Move Up the Waiting Line and Record Customer Details in Advance

As we anticipate tourist traffic resuming in the 21/22 season, entering foreign customer details can be tedious. An application that pre-records customer details while they move up the waiting line will be beneficial in two ways:

  • Providing immediate reception to the customer upon entering the store.
  • Saving time for the Skiman, allowing them to focus on their primary job.


The Skiman focuses on boot fitting and assigning the right skis, not on administrative tasks.

Offer Delivery to Chalets and Residences

A VIP option, delivery to chalets, hotels, and residences reduces in-store traffic during peak times.


Considered safer for the skier from a health perspective, it also offers an exclusive experience.


Stores need to equip themselves with solutions that track equipment assigned to these customers outside the store. A smartphone application can create the rental form, and a mobile POS terminal can process payments via an Internet connection (4G, hotel Wi-Fi, etc.).


Payment can also be made during the week in-store to encourage visits and potential additional purchases.

Offer a Ski Drive

Offering a ski drive can be a strategic advantage in the resort, providing rental services in an open space. This option works well for both pickups and returns. Although it requires more organization, a smartphone application ensures traceability for rental forms, exchanges, and returns.

Perform Returns on the Fly

For returns, the ski drive can be set up in front of the store with on-the-fly return management.


A good smartphone application for the Skiman will allow them to scan the equipment sequentially and immediately see if everything has been returned and if there is a balance due (requiring a cashier visit) or not. There’s no need for in-store crowding; if the payment is made, the customer leaves satisfied with the quick processing without entering the store.

Solutions to Reduce the Ski Rental Waiting Line: Other Advantages

Mobile solutions dedicated to Skiman, reducing waiting lines, pre-booking, or online reservations save time for customers when they are in a hurry. In-store, these solutions reduce stress by allowing for a meticulously organized yet fluid customer experience. Other advantages include: